Do you want to carry out a useful and rewarding activity? Do you want to help and do you like working in a team? Don't wait any longer join our teams of volunteer rescue workers

You can become an active first aider within an association with a human face, at the heart of events in your region. In order to integrate our team, we offer you PSE1 and PSE2 training.
You can become:
Internif you hold thePSC1 ;
Rescuerwith qualificationPSE1;
Rescue team memberwith qualificationPSE2;
water lifeguardwith qualification BNSSA;
Team leader and supervisorthrough federal training.
Most missions take place on weekends, exceptionally on weekdays. Work and studies are not a priori an obstacle, the majority of our first aiders have a professional activity or are pursuing studies.
Our structure offers you wide possibilities of evolution:
Trainer (first aid, team rescue);
Supervisory staff (team leader, head of post, logistics, transmissions);
Responsibilities within the association;
Ongoing training to stay at the best level, enriching complementary and specialized training;
Standard emergency rescue equipment;
An FFSS intervention outfit to civil security standards;
Documentation and communication tools;
Access conditions :
be at least 16 years old;
At the heart of the action, you develop your mastery of first aid with professionals and you carry out a real citizen service. If you want a rewarding activity, at the service of others, in contact with the population, don't wait any longer, get involved for a noble cause:
"Preserve and Save"
Join our team
You too can join our team of operational first aiders.