Objectifs de la formation
La formation accélérée au BNSSA a pour objectif de préparer les candidats pour :
l’examen du BNSSA.
assurer la sécurité des pratiquants.
prévenir les risques liés à la sécurité.
effectuer des gestes de premiers secours au sein d'équipes (PSE1).
Contenu de la formation
• Physical preparation in the swimming pool, at least once a week (outside school holidays) to prepare for the tests:
‣ Combined rescue course over 100 m.
‣ Rescue course with flippers, mask and snorkel over 250 m.
‣ Assistance to people in difficulty.
• Learning operational rescue techniques.
• A theoretical preparation for the last MCQ test of 40 questions in a maximum of 45 minutes:
‣ Bathing regulations.
‣ The organization and supervision of swimming.
‣ Recognize a swimmer in difficulty and provide assistance.
‣ Implement appropriate first aid actions.
‣ Knowledge of nautical activities.
‣ Awareness of the aquatic environment and its respect.
Informations pratiques
50 hours approximately (excluding exam).
• Public: €550
• Group / Company : on request for quotation
Training eligible for funding (CPF, Pôle Emploi, OPCO, etc.)
Anyone wishing to become a lifeguard.
Be 17 years of age or older on the day of the exam. The diploma will be awarded to the learner from the age of 18 or over.
Medical certificate of non-contraindication specific to the BNSSA examination + certificate of physical fitness (copies which will be sent to you by email).
Up to 12 people for 1 trainer.
BEESAN - BPJEPSAAN / Experienced first aid trainer / BNSSA.
Decree of October 6, 2019 of the BNSSA. DGSCGC PS recommendations. RIF RIC of the FFSS.
The learner will have to participate in all the training modules:
• Possess at least the PSE1 teaching unit (included in the 50-hour training).
• Satisfy the eliminatory tests (a minimum period of 10 minutes of recovery must be left to the candidate before taking part in another test):
‣ 100m combined with apnea and manikin towing.
To be considered fit, the candidate must complete the test, under the prescribed conditions, in less than:
- 2 minutes and 40 seconds included, during the exam.
‣ 250m with fins, mask, snorkel.
To be considered fit, the candidate must complete the test, under the prescribed conditions, in less than:
- 4 minutes and 20 seconds included, during the exam.
‣ Rescue of a victim in distress.
To be declared fit, the candidate must correctly perform all the items of the test.
‣ Multiple Choice Questionnaire (MCQ).
To be declared suitable, the candidate must have obtained a mark greater than or equal to 30 out of 40 questions.
To maintain its validity, the BNSSA diploma must be renewed every 5 years in order to keep its skills and knowledge up to date.
Attention, la continuing education (retraining) PSE1 is independent of BNSSA recycling. A maintenance of acquired skills, to maintain the validity of the diploma, is compulsory every year.
For more information, please contact us.

Merci de vous inscrire en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous. Vous pouvez également payer en ligne votre inscription. Ou nous demander le formulaire d'inscription par mail à formation@nautisurfstmalo.com.
Attention, vous recevrez des informations par mail.
N'hésitez pas à regarder dans vos indésirables/spams lors de votre inscription.
Register for this training
Du lundi au vendredi à AquaMalo.
Séances en piscine : de 8h à 10h.
Réglementation : de 11h à 12h.
PSE1 : de 12h à 19h.
Dates ouvertes au public. Si vous souhaitez une formation en intra, merci de nous faire une demande de devis et nous étudierons votre demande.