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Welcome/ Trainings /first aid


Continuing education of the PSE1

The holder of the PSE1 certificate will have les capacities necessary to provide technical and human assistance to one or more victims, acting alone or within a team, with or without equipment, while waiting for or in addition to the public emergency services concerned.

Training aims

Therecontinuing education PSE1  makes it possible to maintain the capacities necessary to provide technical and human assistance to one or more victims, acting alone or within a team, with or without equipment, in the waiting for or in addition to the public emergency services concerned. 

This training allows you to haveminimum professional first aid skills. It is essential when a person wishes to work on the first aid stations (civil security mission). It is also an essential prerequisite for the passage of the BNSSA (National Certificate of Aquatic Safety and Rescue), entry into training to become a specialized sports educator.

FC PSE1 training in detail

Defined by the DGSCGC each year among the following skills:

• Develop within the legal framework applicable to their relief action and in compliance with the procedures defined by their employment authority. 

• Provide immediate, suitable and permanent protection for himself, the victim and other people from surrounding dangers. 

• Carry out a report and ensure its transmission to the appropriate departments.

• Carry out first aid actions in front of a person: 

 ‣ victim of airway obstruction ; 

 ‣ victim of heavy bleeding;

 ‣ having lost consciousness;

 ‣ in cardiac arrest; 

 ‣ victim of respiratory, circulatory or neurological distress; 

 ‣ presenting with discomfort;

 ‣ with limb or skin trauma.


• Assist rescue team members during immobilization, lifting or stretcher manoeuvres.

• Adapt behavior to the situation or state of the victim (drowning, diving accident, etc.)


The learner must participate in all training modules:

• Meet the certification procedures. 

• Perform correctly, during the learning sequences, all the techniques and procedures discussed during the training.

• Demonstrate, during the simulation sequences, the achievement of all the objectives of the training, in terms of theoretical capacities, 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_behavioral.

Hold at least the PSE1 certificate, or its equivalent, and be up to date with their annual continuing education.

6 hoursabout face to face teaching.

To maintain its validity, the diploma PSE1 must be renewed every year in order to maintain its skills and its_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-de935bb-958-knowledge 136bad5cf58d_up to date. 

Attention, without further training (maintenance of skills) carried out within 5 years, the training must be redone in its entirety.

See the training description sheet:click here


‣ Audience :70 €

‣ Group/Company  :Sur quote request

‣ Supported :Training eligible for funding


Register for this training

Please note that you will receive information by email. Do not hesitate to look in your unwanted  when you register.

ⓘ Supported by an organization

You are an employee, job seeker, or other and your training is, or may be, supported by a third party structure (employer, OPCO, CPF, Pole Emploi).

ⓘ Personal support

Please register by clicking on the link below. You can also pay for your registration online. Or ask usregistration form by email

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