Drownings continue to climb while thehe number of lifeguards and lifeguards continues to decline. However, these professionals are essential for the safety of swimmers. Faced with this alarming observation, the Nautisurf association is setting up the Pass'BNSSA to promote the registration of young people from the Saint Malo conurbation for the start of the 2021 school year.

Nautisurf St-Malo is an associationaffiliated with the FFSS (French Rescue and First Aid Federation),approved by Civil Security,placed under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior.
The club is also labeledENS (National Rescue School) AndapprovedENF (School of French Swimming).
These certifications guarantee you the quality of lifesaving and swimming teaching while contributing to better training and safety for practitioners.

The Pass'BNSSA is a financial aid of 50 euros to finance part of its registration for the BNSSA training with the Nautisurf association which it organizes from September 2021 to June 2022.
• To find out more about BNSSA training and its opportunities:click here
The Pass'BNSSA is aimed at young people aged 17 to 30 (born between 1992 and 2005) living in one of the 18 municipalities ofAgglomeration of Saint-Malo.
30 places maximum. An aptitude test will be performed to determine swimming level.
Under 17, you can take advantage of the "sports rescue + BNSSA pack".
Registration is open from July 1, 2021 to May 1, 2022 inclusive for a maximum of 30 places.
You can register online directly via the link below and follow the instructions, or ask us for the registration file by email viarescue@nautisurfstmalo.com.
To benefit from an immediate reduction of €50 on the cost of registration, you must provide us with proof of address (living in one of the 18 municipalities of the Saint Malo conurbation).
The Pass'BNSSA is an aid that can be combined with the other aids in place.
Offer not combinable with charges (CPF, Pôle Emploi, etc.) and the "sports rescue pack + BNSSA."
What might interest you
Become a Lifeguard with the Pass'BNSSA
You can register directly online via the links below.
Or ask us for a registration form onrescue@nautisurfstmalo.com